When and Why Tutors Should Get Business Cards

Ignore any advice to get business cards right when you start tutoring. What a huge waste that can be! Before investing in business cards, make sure you know if you even need them. Here are some reasons you may need business cards:

  • You regularly attend networking events
  • You meet with a lot of clients
  • You can post them on community boards locally
  • You have a plan to grow your business

You regularly attend networking events

This one is a no-brainer. If you’re in a networking group or attend clubs, you will find that business cards make frequently exchanging contact information much easier. Growing your network is one of the best ways to meet people who can advertise for you via word of mouth. You may also meet a web designer, lawyer, account, etc. who you can talk to for advice or even someday hire!

You meet with a lot of clients

If you meet with a lot of clients, giving them a stack of your business cards is a great way to land even more new clients, especially if you have a referral program in place to motivate clients to spread the word about you! If you’re good at tutoring and you have a solid referral program, your clients will be very eager to tell their friends, family, and coworkers to hire you for their tutoring needs. Giving them business cards to carry and hand out to these prospects will make this task easier.

You want to post business cards on community boards

Some restaurants, grocery stores, libraries, banks, and other establishments have bulletin boards posted as you walk in the building. They let you hang your fliers and business cards there for free, so take advantage of it! I’m from Rochester, NY and here you can tack up your business cards at places like Bill Gray’s, Topps, Canadaigua National Bank, and most libraries. It’s an awesome way to get some free exposure.

You have a plan to grow your business

If you have been tutoring for a while and you’re ready to start expanding, it may be a good idea to get business cards. Make sure that they’re designed with your niche in mind and also make sure to plan how you are going to incorporate your business card into the growth of your business.

Reasons NOT to get business cards

  • You don’t know how long you plan on tutoring
  • You’re still unsure what your niche is
  • Information that would be on the card may change soon
  • You’re just starting and don’t know how serious you will be about tutoring